[00:00:00] Hendrik: What’s at the heart of content marketing?
Why should I even do content marketing in the first place?
How do I get the best results from it?
If these are some of the questions you have, don’t take our work for it.
Let’s talk content marketing with industry professionals, discover its power and confront its challenges so that you can stand out from your competition.
Join Ethan and Hendrik Baird from Baird Media and let’s talk content marketing.
Deborah Olaleye, digital marketer and social media strategist from Johannesburg joining me, uh, right now here on Lets Talk Content marketing.
Deborah, let’s talk Content marketing.
First of all, how did you get into this?
Tell me a little bit about your history and your journey up to this point.
[00:00:42] Deborah: I studied marketing.
Diploma marketing at the University of University of Technology before Transparency, university of Johannesburg to finish my advanced diploma and become a nurse.
I’m actually, I’m looking forward to doing my Masters in marketing next year.
I got into the [00:01:00] marketing field as a result of my interest in helping business owners because my parents as well also into business, and they always struggle to get customers for their products.
Now, I’m currently working at GoWP while having my own side job.
So I’m working at GoWP as a virtual assistant.
So at GoWP I’m doing three tasks and one role of a project manager, marketing assistant, and also an an administrative assistant.
So it’s been fun so far because I get to like hard marketing, so administrative and managing period at the same time.
So it’s, really a great experience for me so far.
[00:01:36] Hendrik: That’s fantastic.
Obviously you work a lot with content, being a digital marketer and on social media, how do you define content marketing?
[00:01:43] Deborah: Content marketing generally is just a way of writing content and to get engagement, people engage in boost the visibility of a brand.
So to me, getting engaged entails more than just writing, right?
Content marketing needs to be very short, precise, and clear.
As we [00:02:00] have, um, generation of readers who are always looking for the main point from what you’re trying to tell out to them.
So even marketer affairs studies to, to see this point and study the audience, they’re going to lose, uh, that set of audience.
So kind marketing is just a way of putting our content out there to get people engaged and re-engaged at the same time.
[00:02:19] Hendrik: First of all, tell me what does a digital marketer do and how does content marketing fit into that?
[00:02:24] Deborah: Okay.
A digital marketer is someone that does marketing online, like internet marketing.
So content marketing fits into this aspect.
It because we are marketing to people online who we can see face to face, we can only get them remotely online.
So content of marketing is just a way of writing content, like blog post review case studies to get this online audience engaged to a particular brand.
So like you want to, uh, market a product, you try to come up with a story that this audience can relate with.
So digital marketing and content marketing work on hand without the [00:03:00] content.
So digital marketing cannot fly.
[00:03:02] Hendrik: Okay.
If you’re a small business owner and you’re just starting out and thinking, how do I market my business?
What do I use?
Can you explain what the value of content marketing would be for somebody like that?
[00:03:13] Deborah: For small business owner that I just started out, content marketing is very, very important because the audiance is you’re trying to sell to, you does not know about your product ’cause you’re just starting out.
Content marketing is a way of telling your audience what your brand is all about.
So you try to make your content very short and it tells a story about your brand that this audience can quickly view, and maybe it can be in video form or recent content where they can quickly, okay, get a grasp of what your brand is all about.
So it goes and it hand, it informs them about your service offering.
And then to get these new customers reengage, the old ones that you already have offline that you’re trying to bring online.
[00:03:55] Hendrik: Okay, so there are different types of content, video and written [00:04:00] articles and graphics and so on.
In your opinion, which one works the best and why?
[00:04:05] Deborah: I always like when there is a proof to things, so just as I said, like as a small business owners, people can trust your brand.
If there’s nothing can like, relate to or prove that people can see.
So to me, content is something that contains everything that can keep me satisfaction.
So to me, something that I can like quickly get immersed with, like get connected to without me going to like, reading on and on and on before I get to understand what you’re trying to solve.
So that would be something sort of like testimonies and reviews even if you’re a small business just starting and you don’t have people that have testified to your product, at least you must have used your home brand yourself for you to like, come up with something to tell people that yes, this brand is truly working the way I said it is.
So if it was, in my own opinion, testimony and review would be the best concept for me to believe [00:05:00] your brand is truly what you said it, it’s because people has already testified to that.
I studied why working.
I would work, why study, so without previous experience, people won’t believe that I truly have this experience in this field, so they won’t have anything to do with me if I don’t have anything to prove.
So in terms of content, testimonials and reviews will be the best for me.
[00:05:20] Hendrik: Okay, TikTok, can we talk about TikTok for a moment?
You’re talking about short things, you know, you don’t wanna read long articles.
Is TikTok a great way to get your business out there in short content form?
[00:05:32] Deborah: Ah, yes. Yes.
It’s really a great way because now we, at this generation that we have now, the generation said, they’re really online trying to have fun.
So you just have to like meet them where they are.
Make your content very short and make it fun.
Don’t make it look too dull.
Just because you’re selling, um, insurance plan doesn’t mean you have to always talk about, just try to bring fun creativity into it and get ’em engaged.
Let ’em know the reason why you want them to use this.
So make it [00:06:00] very short and tone at the same time.
So TikTok is really a great way to put out a content to the audience.
[00:06:07] Hendrik: And what about podcasts?
What do you think the value of podcasts are for, for content and, and marketing purposes?
[00:06:13] Deborah: Podcast is really educating, it’s really a great way where you can tell people like an in depth of what your trying to say.
So even where I’m currently working, we use, um, podcasts as a content marketing strategy, where we bring in business owners to talk about the live experience, what motivated them to start their business, and how overcome their problems and the solutions that they applied.
So, um, podcast is really a way to like, get people, bring a story out of them and, um, come up with solutions that the listeners can also like, relate with.
So it’s really good. It’s a great medium.
[00:06:50] Hendrik: A word you’ve been saying a lot is story.
It’s not just about buy this, buy this, buy from me, I’m the best buy from me.
There’s gotta be a story because people engage with [00:07:00] stories, whether you tell it in a podcast form or in a short TikTok video, but what is the secret of a good story?
[00:07:05] Deborah: The secret of a good story is the way you put it out there like, you start with attention grabber, which is a problem because everyone is looking for a solution to a problem.
So the secret, a good story, the one that comes with a problem that you first of all explain your problem and then you come up with a solution.
So that’s a secret to good storytelling.
[00:07:28] Hendrik: If you don’t know how to make a podcast, and I’m talking to my listener now, listening here, and we’re talking a little bit about, about content and podcasting.
I’ve just written a book about the topic called Become a Podcast Master Everything you Need to Know to Master the Art of Podcasting, which you can find on Amazon.
So whether it’s a podcast or whether it’s an article or a TikTok video, how do you repurpose this because, I think a lot of people just put one content form out and then that’s it.
They don’t realize that there’s so much you can do with it. So you can turn your, your blogs into TikTok videos and your TikTok videos into [00:08:00] something else.
What is your opinion about repurposing content?
[00:08:03] Deborah: Okay, and when it comes to repurposing content, like an article you are trying to sell on Amazon and trying to like let people know about that, so you can repurpose the content by bringing out like the main points you want your audience to like, get connected to, because in your context you don’t say everything because you still want your audience to go back to your article or your book that you’ve written.
So you try to bring out part of that article that you’ve written that your audience can quickly like connect to and grab what your book is all about and then motivate them to like take the necessary steps.
So in repurposing that you just need to like come up with the idea of making it a simple call to action content.
Like, maybe you’re writing a triage story of yourself, of how you started and how you handed.
So you can just bring something in between the content, like how you [00:09:00] started. ’cause there’s always a gap, like a summary.
So we are repurposing, it has to always be a summary to grab the attention of your audience to take, because in everything a marketer does, we are always trying to look for a way to make them take the necessary, we’re trying to put in the call to action, so we are trying to make them take the next steps.
So just bring a summary of what the audience.
We get from reading your article or your book.
So we repurposing your content by bringing a summary, not just like introduction.
Introduction is not even gonna work because a lot of people don’t even have time to read your introductions.
They’ll just want to go into, okay, if I to read this book, how is it gonna hand?
You don’t have to give the spoiler, just like, tell a little bit, give me a little bit of salt of, of what I need to get from this book.
So we repurposing it by making it short.
Going straight to the point, make it accurate in summary, not in full details, so, so that they can take the next step to where you [00:10:00] want to lead them to.
[00:10:01] Hendrik: So what you’re saying is like you have a book and you then want to make an infographic and you take seven pertinent points, like really interesting content from your book.
But just seven brief points and then put a link back to your content to say, look, if you want to learn more, go and read the book, here it is.
Or go and read the article, or whatever it is that you’re repurposing.
Is that what you’re saying?
[00:10:21] Deborah: Yes, exactly.
[00:10:23] Hendrik: Ja, because also, I mean, people on different platforms and not everybody’s on on Facebook anymore.
Some people on TikTok, some people on LinkedIn, some people are just on the websites.
You’ve gotta find your audience where they are and then do your best through your content to bring them where you want them to go, not so.
[00:10:40] Deborah: Yes, yes.
[00:10:41] Hendrik: Okay, so there’s somebody listening here now and they’re going like, my goodness, content is so hard to create.
If I could just have some tips or some suggestions or some tricks, what would you tell them?
What, what are those tips or suggestions and tricks that they would find very valuable?
[00:10:57] Deborah: Okay.
Uh, for me, I always walk with [00:11:00] something that I call CCPC when I’m trying to write content, it’ just clarity, concise, precise and creating, because we are in a world where Creating writing content, doesn’t just go.. Now, talking about clarity.
The content you’re trying to write out, let it be clear for the audience to understand not writing something that it’ll take your audience like minutes for them to understand what you’re trying to let them know about your content.
So just make it very clear.
And then when I’m talking about concise, concise, make it brief and precise, accurate and short.
So creativity, add to it.
Don’t make it too dull.
Make it clear, short, precise, and creative.
[00:11:46] Hendrik: Short, precise, and creative.
I like those three words.
Really good.
So, so give that acronym again.
You said in the beginning.
[00:11:53] Deborah: CCPC, meaning clear, concise, precise, and creative.
[00:11:59] Hendrik: [00:12:00] Excellent.
That’s a great tip.
Thank you very much for that.
So, I mean, you obviously create some content and you do some digital marketing and social media and so on, where if people want to go and see what does Debbie do, how does she do it, where do they go to see that?
[00:12:11] Deborah: Okay.
Uh, you can see that on GoWP because that’s where, um, currently working.
So that’s where I put out my content that I work with. And so I can see that on GoWP social media pages like the Facebook GoWP, Facebook at GoWP Services on Twitter and GoWP on LinkedIn.
And for my own personal blog,
I just started a small marketplace where, small business owners can get to sell their product.
So I’m writing blog posts on the importance of a marketplace for small business owners, so they can get to see that.
Um, www.connectsmet.com/blog.
[00:12:46] Hendrik: Okay. And we’ll put all those links in the description of the podcast so you can see exactly where to go, and click on that and go and check out what, uh, Debbie does there.
Tell us your contact details, and if somebody wants to get into contact with you or use your service or even ask a question, how would they [00:13:00] get hold of you?
[00:13:00] Deborah: Yeah, they can reach me on my LinkedIn profile, uh, will be in the description and also you can reach me on my email, Debbie for Deborah, dolaleye@gmail.com and on my business line admin@connectme.com.
[00:13:17] Hendrik: Debbie, thanks so much for sharing this time with me.
[00:13:20] Deborah: You are welcome.
[00:13:21] Hendrik: Thank you.
And of course, if you want to learn more about, uh, repurposing content, well, get my book purposefully repurposed for profit. How to, um, save time when you are doing your content strategy simply by repurposing a podcast.
I’m Hendrik here for Baird Media and you’ve been listening to Let’s Talk Content Marketing.
If you want to join the conversation, find Ethan and Hendrik on LinkedIn. Also visit the Baird Media website to look at the range of content services we provide.
You will find all the links in the podcast description.
When you are ready to start your own podcast, join the Baird Media Mentorship program, and let Ethan and Hendrik give you all the help and support to start your own podcast.
You can also read Hendrik’s book, “Become a Podmaster: Everything You Need to Know to Master the Art of Podcasting” to help you understand what you are letting yourself in for.
Baird Media’s “Become A Podmaster” podcast offers valuable insights, tips, and inspiration from experienced podcasters. Whether you’re a hobbyist seeking artistic expression or an entrepreneur looking to amplify your business, this podcast has something for you. Join the adventure and unlock the secrets of podcasting success!